South Londonderry Association Inc.
Board of Trustee Minutes Wednesday September 4, 2024 5 pm Call to Order: 5:03p Attendees: Sunny Wright, Mimi Wright, Gale Kuhlberg, Jinhwa Jo, Diana Pagnucco, David Slade, Pam Abraham, Madeline Helser Excused Steve Swinburne 1. Approval of Minutes from July Meeting: 1/Diana 2/Jin 2. Director’s Report-(Madeline’s complete summary from email Sept 4) Stats, Programs and Projects Highlights: School supply drive complete and distributed to students/families Two Archivists and trustee Mimi digitized 124 digital files (3000 total)…250 GB drives. Goal is to have all the digital copies in one spot. Anabelle, a student from BBA to intern and help the process. The archivists will train the intern and Madeline and will have the copier available. Temperature monitor is currently in the closet to collect data. New Photo albums for digitized photos were obtained and relabeled. Library awarded a Courier Grant on Oct 7, to help with ILL Courier costs. BBA (freshmen) students to come next Wednesday to help choose and sort the books. September 11 @ 11am time to pre-sort books with adults. VT Reads: people have been reading and follow up program TBD. Programs considered movie trailer, community wide art show at the Town Hall. Christine Erwin forgot about covering on August 24. Trustee and Librarian contact information to be re-shared. Madeline to remind subs about their commitments the night before.
State of VT suggests Nonprofit Employees have insurance-see the flyer Edward James-IRA contribution discussion part of David and Madeline to discuss There was a gap for registering our business-the renewal fee was paid- The town was bequeathed-endowment i.e. Stocks are in an account and oversee the monies/interest (mutual funds account) A check goes through the town. Three percent % assets a check is given in January. Past president Peter Isakson placed it in a Vanguard account. The Principal cannot be touched only the interest. Fundraising: Appeal letter and Peru Fair will help with finances. Vote taken, Motion made 1/Diana 2/David on switching from Consolidated for internet/phone to Fidium Venmo to be set up (Will PayPal also be an option at the fair?) PayPal currently available on website- Zettle account to be considered (PayPal family to accept credit card payments, anytime, anywhere)
David will look for an app for credit cards like the Square Volunteer list online: will be posted Focus on book sales and book bag decorations. Bags to be ordered via Amazon. Sunny will donate helium for balloons. (See Jin’s design) Book prices by Donations (whatever they want to give) Remade/repurposed old books/book journals created by Laura Megroz to be available. Displays are ideal for promoting books, both wire and racks. Cars/trucks to be loaded the night ahead for ease of set up. Donation jar will be available. Another meeting to be scheduled if needed, check email.
Additionally, it will be available and handout to be distributed at the Peru Fair. The flyer may be going on the Library Website. Vote taken on closing the Library during the Peru Fair September 28, consensus was to keep it open if a substitute is available to cover.
Safety: Railing needed for top of both sets of stairs. (? place on wish list for patron/visitor donation?) Many types online to choose from. Prep for the 2025 $10 million Public Facilities preservation facilities grant. After receiving an estimate for work to be done and people to collaboratively fill out the detailed application. Will forward VT Library webinars and info sessions as they arrive. Bathroom-David and Mimi met with Travis Schultz (/contractor) and the entire room behind the current utility room will utilized. Drawings and estimate to be developed. Insulation on outside wall? Paul pulled up planks (replaced with screws for easy access) to seek the septic entry for Dorr Septic. Gale to schedule a date to have Dorr Septic pump and evaluate the tank.
9. Next meeting date: Wednesday October 9th Adjourned: 6:35P Respectfully submitted, Pam Abraham
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PurposeThe minutes of each board meeting will be posted here no later that 5 days after the date of the meeting in compliance with the Vermont Open Meeting Law "1 V.S.A. § 312. Right to attend meetings of public agencies" section (b)(2) Archives
October 2024
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HoursM: 10 am -5 pm
W: 10 am - 5 pm F: 10 am - 5 pm Sat: 10 am - 1 pm Telephone802-824-3371
Mailing AddressPO Box 95, South Londonderry, VT 05155