South Londonderry Association Inc.
Board of Trustee Minutes 5 PM Wednesday May 29, 2024 Call to order: 5:02 Attendees: Sunny Wright, Mimi Wright, Sarah Wiley, Pam Abraham, Steve Swinburne, Madeline Helser Excused: Gale Kuhlberg, Jinhwa Jo
Summer reading program prizes needed-Mimi to ask for donation at Grandma Millers? Donations from Jakes approx... 50 prizes needed Email was received to consider Glass negative digitation of the glass collection-free VT State Archives June 20th (webinar) Share AC ask on FB. The 2 upstairs windows are small. Should an outright purchase be considered?
III. Donna Pagnucco (Trustee candidate) joined the meeting at 5:30p- She offered her resume and Offered to volunteer on Wednesdays. She suggested Library goals include: Wealth, wisdom, work…enthusiasm and a sense of humor “Love of books”, a Community Hub for everyone IV. Madeline’s request re:hiring a backup substitute so she can go to schools (outreach) and to cover part of her vacation time Guarantee 3 hrs. I.e. during the week to free up Madeline for other activities or Saturdays… Leah Wright is interested $20…to check with availability at least 2 Saturdays (were there any other candidates?) Madeline offered the value of outreach to preschools ~ Library literacy home. Busy parents may not have time to read or offered book availability. Books can be brought to the students; they can use the library on off time. Circle time…
VII Fall 2024 grant submission opportunities: The VT Dept. of Libraries Public Facilities Preservation for Small Rural Libraries needing HVAC, ADA, windows) (Sept) and Thrifty Attic (Nov) Pam stated that she would like help with identifying grant opportunities and with the applications. Steve Swinburne suggested hiring a professional Grant writer. Board members will reach out to the community for possible candidates to consider. Hunter: 5/28 the Library is in the queue for excavation. Bret Carter will reach out when the date arrives. ADA: Madeline posted interior signs for anyone to “Ask for assistance/help if needed” Contractor: needed to evaluate the cost for a first floor restroom prior to grant application. ADA Timeline to be shared via email.
Upcoming business Friends of the Libraries group? They are volunteers who help fundraise for nonprofits. Peru Fair September 28, 2024 and the library will have a table. To be discussed further Grant: VT Preservation Trust…Bret at Hunter Excavation update Huge thanks to Paul Abraham for trail work and Pam Abraham for getting the AC’s installed Seek a Grant writer….everyone to reach out Adjourned 6:44p Next Meeting June______, 2024 Respectfully submitted, Pam Abraham Board Secretary
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PurposeThe minutes of each board meeting will be posted here no later that 5 days after the date of the meeting in compliance with the Vermont Open Meeting Law "1 V.S.A. § 312. Right to attend meetings of public agencies" section (b)(2) Archives
October 2024
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HoursM: 10 am -5 pm
W: 10 am - 5 pm F: 10 am - 5 pm Sat: 10 am - 1 pm Telephone802-824-3371
Mailing AddressPO Box 95, South Londonderry, VT 05155