South Londonderry Association Inc.
Board of Trustee Minutes Wednesday October 9, 2024 5 pm Call to Order: 5:02pm Attendees: Sunny Wright, Mimi Wright, Gale Kuhlberg, Steve Swinburne, Diana Pagnucco, David Shade, Librarian, Madeline Helser Excused: Jinhwa Jo
Free Google Workspace account was established. Amazon was added to purchasing contract, free shipping and discounts on supplies. Called to find out Xfinity for free/internet ..100% discount Consolidated is for phone line and is expensive, $70/mo. ? Fidium See the October Event sheet for Library Activities. New Book Group to start the Fourth Friday of the month on Friday. 12-1pm
Peru Fair was a success as donations $318 cash, $161 (VENMO) = $479 total. Jin and Gale were Library Advocates at the Fair. Balloons were a hit for the children. Thank you to Sunny for helium donations. Team effort was great. It made a difference! Thank you people who set up the display, Paul Abraham, Joel Kuhlberg, Jin, Gale and David (Anyone forgotten? Sorry) Books were available and donations were accepted. ADA bathroom: David presented 2 schematics, one was preferred The wheelchair needs a 10 foot circle to turn around. Suggestion to have a utility sink and changing table available. ? Remove the upstairs bathroom and utilize the space for another option. Budget $2300 for material and ramp. Estimate from contractor will be developed and sent to Trustees. Estimate for removal of old bathroom will be obtained. Workman’s comp…call the company and walk us through the pros and cons. SLFL appeal donation list was updated combining residents and patrons. The
Will Hunter honor the first scope of work. Trustees were concerned about the change in excavation as meeting the needs of the Library. In addition, reduced excavation at the same cost. Pam will reach out to the Grant writer for advice and to Bret Carter of Hunter Exc.
Safety is important. Sunny will ask Michael Bailey to construct a safe railing at the top of the stairs. Upcoming Spring 2025 Grant- Public Facilities Preservation Initiative Grant for Libraries. (rural communities) SLFL to file for ADA upgrades including bathroom and walkway.
Diana and Sunny have developed the first draft. Per Steve, streamline and focus on need. Suggestion of using visual ie.Pie chart with operating budget of Library Suggestion of using patron quotes in the Appeal letter. Library strategic plan is being developed.
Walkway repair 10/1/24 Should the tank be replaced, cost and timing? TBD Next meeting date: Wednesday November 13, 2024 Adjourned: 6:25p Respectfully submitted, Pam Abraham
PurposeThe minutes of each board meeting will be posted here no later that 5 days after the date of the meeting in compliance with the Vermont Open Meeting Law "1 V.S.A. § 312. Right to attend meetings of public agencies" section (b)(2) Archives
October 2024
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HoursM: 10 am -5 pm
W: 10 am - 5 pm F: 10 am - 5 pm Sat: 10 am - 1 pm Telephone802-824-3371
Mailing AddressPO Box 95, South Londonderry, VT 05155