South Londonderry Association Inc.
Board of Trustee Minutes 5 PM Wednesday July 24, 2024 Call to order: 5:02p Attendees: Sunny Wright, Mimi Wright, Gale Kuhlberg, Steve Swinburne, Jinhwa Jo, Diana Pagnucco, David Slade, and Madeline Helser, Library Director See July 23 email resignation from Sarah Wylie
Awarded VT Reads Grant “Gather” books have arrived-will join programming with Flood Brook/Collaborative Awarded Stratton Grant $4400-art program continues with Casey Bailey (Aug 9) Awarded Summer Reading Grant from State Library-STEAM backpacks/Microscope, bubble science and Outdoor adventure kit Digitization Workshop 7/17…Archives-the library etchings are already indexed…need develop a process for deciding which need to be digitized-the team brings leader to help with this process. Will create a community team. Summer Reading going well-Need prizes for additional prizes i.e. Grandma Miller’s-Mimi was able to receive an award for participants to redeem one cookie. Steve to reach out to Honeypie for an award. Christina started and employee is the legal way to do it and is directly responsible, hire on a W4. Heard from Neighborhood Connections, back to school day/bin here and at NC for people to buy and donate school supplies to each location. Madeline to reach out to Flood Brook to see what they need. Thrifty attic table grant suggestion-request money to go toward a changing table, wall mounted.
Vanguard account Seeking a Treasurer to work with bookkeeper Paulina, David to consider
6. Friends of the Library at SLFL Group (see report in the email from Diana Pagnucco on July 24). Consider asking people around town for possible donors. Need a leadership group ie project-Painting the front steps 7. Discussion about hiring a professional Grant Writer for the ADA work if we decide to move forward with our process. Vote- on a grant writer 1/Gale, 2/David...7 trustees in agreement to pursue For the VT Dept of Libraries $10M Public Facilities Preservation Initiative Grant 8. Peru Fair date is September 28, 2024 Jin offered to coordinate this event. ? Fundraising to take place at this time? Could students be help participate and carry boxes-ie. Flood Group/BBA/Long Trail? Post request for volunteers to help on our website and on the Londonderry forum Reach out to our volunteer Cindie who is a lifesaver How about including Our Teen Group and/or Teens who need community service? Teen group-maybe be handpicked and invited to help with this endeavor 9. Seeking Trustees who would be willing to serve on a small Strategic Plan committee Jin-a community assessment is needed conducted via internet and handouts to obtain information about how the library can better meet community needs. ie. Londonderry Forum-with questions? Campaign 10. Annual appeal committee-Steve offered to develop a letter. Internet and/or a handwritten appeal. NEED- Update policies computer/internet policy Remove language about sending catalog cards to the state library Move 1/Sunny or Pam will ask Madeline about the above questions. 11. Date for next board meeting: September 4, 2024 at 5:00p Adjourned: 6:32pm Respectfully submitted Pam Abraham
PurposeThe minutes of each board meeting will be posted here no later that 5 days after the date of the meeting in compliance with the Vermont Open Meeting Law "1 V.S.A. § 312. Right to attend meetings of public agencies" section (b)(2) Archives
October 2024
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HoursM: 10 am -5 pm
W: 10 am - 5 pm F: 10 am - 5 pm Sat: 10 am - 1 pm Telephone802-824-3371
Mailing AddressPO Box 95, South Londonderry, VT 05155