Be sure to visit Booth 21 at the Peru Fair on Saturday, September 28th. The Library will be selling Vintage, Re-purposed, Hand-crafted books at this fun event.
On Saturday, October 12th between 10 am and 1 pm, the Library will be holding its annual BOOK FAIR AND SALE. Quality books in all categories will be available at very reasonable prices. Hundreds of fiction, non-fiction, art books, cook books, gardening books, biographies and children's books are some of the offerings. There are 2 full book cases of antique books that were published in the 1800s which are in amazing condition. Apple donuts and cider will be served. Come on over and support your Library! Some recent acquisitions include CHANCES ARE by Richard Russo, CALL SIGN CHAOS by Jim Mattis, AUNTIE POLDI AND THE FRUITS OF THE LORD (called the Miss Marple of Sicily), OLD BONES by Douglass Preston and A BETTER MAN by Louise Penny. If you are a fan of Andrea Camilleri you will like to check out the video featuring Inspector Detective Montalbano. |
December 2024
HoursM: 10 am -5 pm
W: 10 am - 5 pm F: 10 am - 5 pm Sat: 10 am - 1 pm Telephone802-824-3371
Mailing AddressPO Box 95, South Londonderry, VT 05155